Group contracts

Group Contracts:

As part of the tasks I was given in my group I had to write out group contracts for both the design and making team, the most important thing was to identify when production meetings would take place and ensure everyone agrees with the consequences that will be in place for poor attendance and dealing with disagreements and disputes within the group in a quick and trouble free way. These contracts will then need to be signed by each group member and this is to make sure that they agree to these terms. 

Contract for Design team

In signing this contract, you agree to the following.

Design team:
Tinuke Hypolite
Jodie Searle
Catherine Arloyskaya
Aimee Bygraves
Jack Roth
Charmaine Stafford
Megan Cleasby

1.Work to schedule three production meetings per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (Monday subject to Contextual Studies, not all students will be able to attend)

2.Attend all production meetings.
     (i) If you cannot attend, you must give prior warning & cause.
     (ii) If you miss three consecutive or 5 accumulative production meetings without good reason, action will be taken- most likely in the form of making Fiona Watt/Gary Throne aware of this problem.

3.Whilst production meetings are in place, one member of the team will need to keep track of what's being said. This can be documented by hand or typed.

4.You agree to try and maintain a stress/confrontation free working environment.

5.You agree to respect the opinions & idea’s of other group members, giving them a chance to voice them.
(i) Only once they have finished expressing their view/idea will you comment on the them.
(ii) When commenting the feedback should be void of negative undertones e.g. personal criticism.
(iii) On both sides you must be willing to modify your idea’s for the benefit of the whole group- you reserve the right to defend your initial concept.
(iv) If it cannot be settled between the two of you it is down to a group decision, in which you may again, defend your concept. Ultimately, it falls to Gary Throne to settle any disputes.


Tinuke Hypolite                       Jodie Searle                 Catherine Arloyskaya

Aimee Bygraves              Jack Roth                 Charmaine  Stafford             Megan Cleasby

Contract for Making team:


In signing this contract, you agree to the following.

Making team:

Emma Whittle
Francis White
Molly Herbet
Holly Elwin
(More names to be confirmed)

1.Work to schedule two production meetings per week on Monday and Wednesday. (Monday subject to Contextual Studies, not all students will be able to attend)

2.Attend all production meetings.
     (i) If you cannot attend, you must give prior warning & cause.
     (ii) If you miss three consecutive or 5 accumulative production meetings without good reason, action will be taken- most likely in the form of making Fiona Watt/Gary Throne aware of this problem.

3.Whilst production meetings are in place, one member of the team will need to keep track of what's being said. This can be documented by hand or typed.

4.You agree to try and maintain a stress/confrontation free working environment.

5.You agree to respect the opinions & idea’s of other group members, giving them a chance to voice them.
(i) Only once they have finished expressing their view/idea will you comment on the them.
(ii) When commenting the feedback should be void of negative undertones e.g. personal criticism.
(iii) On both sides you must be willing to modify your idea’s for the benefit of the whole group- you reserve the right to defend your initial concept.
(iv) If it cannot be settled between the two of you it is down to the design team, in which you may again, defend your concept. Ultimately, it falls to Gary Throne to settle any disputes.

