Presentation to Hayley- Thrusday 23rd March

I spent the day putting together the presentation ready to show Hayley the idea's we had for each of the different elements. For every design I also gathered images that we had taken inspiration from, this involved images of similar items to our designs, textures and real life people. I also took colour swatches from these designs and created a colour palette for each thing, this helped to illustrate the tone of each object/costume better.

I talked Hayley through the majority of the slides, outlining our idea's. She was very pleased with what we had come up with, the only alterations we would need to make is that the Wiz costumes are actually for 6-8 year olds not senior students so we won't need to use as much of the budget on them as we had first thought, this is because it would use less material, for the items we are making and we can source the items that we need to find in the children's section, where you don't have to pay VAT and items are often a lot less. The only other slight change we need to make was with the lion costume as it was actually for a girl and not a boy, so we needed to make it a bit more feminine.
