Monday 8th May

Monday 8th May- Making the Lions tail and working on the Paper Stacks:

I didn't have as much time as I thought today to do work towards the project as I was a helping out a third year with there final project as an actress. However, I did manage to start on the paper stack stools, Conor had already previously put together the stools and over them in appropriately sized MDF and cut the cardboard tubes in half. The next step was for me to stick these down stacked on top of each other with hot glue on the side opposite the opening (this will be used for lifting), I did this with both of them. I then covered all the raw open edges with gum strip to create a solid edge. This is all I could do in regard to these today as they needed to be completely dry and solid before they could be sanded down for painting. With the time I had left I decided to make the Lion's tail. This required me to sew up a piece of the same fabric that was used for the jacket using a machine, I then stuffed it, this was so it had a bit more body and life to it. I then carefully cut some fur out and rolled it so that only the fur showed and not the rough inner fabric, I then hand stitched this onto the tail. One side was left open as this will be sewn on and sealed shut when it is attached to the leggings. A hole can then be cut in the coat so that it can pock through. I also added a few more elements to the lion headpiece, I made a sort crown using the coloured ribbons I brought from the fashion shop on Friday, I cut the ends into points to minimize fraying and to give it a neater look overall, I then attached the longer strands these will go over the head and flow down the back and round the neck. All that needs doing with this now is to attach it to something so that it can be worn, I wanted it to be able to sit on the head and be faced slightly more upright, I thought a tiara would be good for this as the lion can be stuck to tiara itself and it can then be placed onto the head. I will buy a tiara tomorrow and hopefully finish the headpiece from there.
This is an example of how the lion will look on the head when it is worn, without the need for it to be held..obviously.

This is a back shot of the ribbon crown and the ribbons, the little girl actresses head will sit between the lion and the ribbons so they will cover her hair and come down the back and round the neck, adding more colour and texture.
The sewed up strip of fabric before turning it the correct way.

Attaching the fur.

Close up of the fur.

Hot gluing the cardboard tubes on.

Another angle of the cardboard tubes, these holes at the sides are the ones that need to be covered over.

Using gum strip by wetting it and smoothing it over the hole, I used a paint brush to try and get it as flat as possible.
